Leadership, Success


In the school of success and in leadership, the TIME factor is a vital factor that distinguishes a champion from a failure. Time is the currency on earth hence, the common saying, “Time is money”. In other words, whatever you get out of life, you traded time for it. Time is an asset of equality, everyone has twenty-four (24) hours. Your success is determined by how well you are able to use, invest and manage your time. Time management leads to proper/successful life management which culminates in successful people management (Leadership)

Webster defines time as” the system of sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present or future “or” a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time”. Dr. Myles Munroe said “time is a temporary interruption of eternity”

Time management can be seen as “the day by day process of planned and controlled use of time through the elimination of time wasters and utilization of time savers, goals, priorities, schedules and delegations”.

“”Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable” says Dr. Myles Munroe. This goes to say that when the purpose of managing time is not know, a damaging life (leader) is inevitable. Time management is not an option, it is a must for the following reasons:
1. To increase effectiveness and efficiency in the right way.
2. To enhance a peaceful and fulfilling life.
3. To achieve good stewardship of God-given gifts and opportunities.
4. To maintain good health.

Effective time management is highly dependent on your attitude towards time. Everyone has developed an attitude towards time, consciously or unconsciously and they fall into one of the following categories:
1. The Drifter (always postponing/procrastinating)
2. The Workaholic (always working without rest)
3. The Enlightened Manager (strikes a balance)
However, everyone is either a time spender or a time investor. What you become in the process of time is traceable to the group you belong to. If you invest your time, you will definitely harvest with time.
Note: For the drifter, do not keep what you can do today for tomorrow. Tomorrow itself has its assignment.

A proper knowledge of these rules will help you rule your time thereby ruling your life. Because it is either you run your day or your day will run you. You must gain mastery over time or else it will gain mastery over you.
A knowledge of yourself is of paramount importance. Know yourself, it is the key to effective time management. In other word, find out when you are most energetic and effective. Also, know the areas you are best fitted for and stick to it.
This speaks in relation to season, that is, the time of action. It is not enough to know WHAT to do, it is also important to know WHEN to do it. In his book, The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership , Dr. John Maxwell illustrates the outcome of every move a leader makes with respect to time.
Wrong Action at Wrong Time = Disaster
Right Action at Wrong Time = Resistance
Wrong Action at Right Time = Mistake
Right Action at Right Time = Success

3. SELF-MANAGEMENT (Discipline)
Effective people management begins from effective self-management which is born from effective time management. Self-management tells on your ability to properly discipline yourself because discipline makes you a star in your discipline. You can only control your time if you can control yourself
Every day has 24hours, give each hour an assignment. If you fail to plan your day, men will help you plan it. Outline what you want to achieve daily and follow through.

It is very important that you identify the things that steals your time and deal with them if you must succeed in life. Some possible time wasters are:
(i) Drop in visitors
(ii) Indecision/procrastination
(iii) Many meetings
(iv) Inability to say “’NO’
(v) Lack of delegations
(vi) No goal settings
(vii) Incomplete tasks
(viii) Scattered desk/personal disorganization
(ix) Doing too much
(x) Doing non-essentials (majoring on the minors)
(xi) Lack of planning
(xii) Over involvement in details
(xiii) Perfectionist tendencies.

(i) Use of daily plan
(ii) Do not over schedule
(iii) Use deadlines
(iv) Learn to say “’NO’ in pleasant ways.
(v) Delegate well

Dr. Mike Murdock said’ “”Yesterday is in the tomb, tomorrow is in the womb, today is all you have got so trade wisely with it.” If you have no value for time you will have no value in life. The hard work of today is made up of the simple tasks that were not done yesterday. Manage your time and your life will be successfully managed but to mismanage your time is to cause great damage to your life and future.


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